Evolution of animals last all the time, we think, that for a few thousand or of million of years life forms which already died out can return or their being is in danger. If this way it happened perhaps it to turn out that the time and changes of the environment are giving us the second chance, but whether we will exploit it? Will we be able to rectify a mistake? Whether we will be able to answer to the question, what next? And these are an example of signals of the nature which wants to show us appropriate direction of the development and lives. A kiwi fruit is birds living in thick forests of New Zealand. Present very rarely appear, since a lot these forests were cut out. The kiwi fruit has the long nose, short legs and there is no tail. His wings are too small, in order to fly, concealed beneath the layer of long delicate feathers. He is usually resulting the kiwi fruit to the prey with night. They are sleeping the day through in earth burrows. He can run very quickly and when he is scared away, he is defending himself with claws. Birds in general have good eyesight but the kiwi fruit is having poor eyesight. But, in contrast with the majority of birds, the kiwi fruit has the very good smell which he is facilitating for it finding food. His nostrils at the end of the beak serve for sounding the soil in quest earthworms, insects, seeds and bilberries. Acrobatics of animals last all the time, we think, that for a few thousand or of million of years life forms which already died out can return or their being is in danger. If this way it happened perhaps it to turn out that the time and changes of the environment are giving us the second chance, but whether we will exploit it? Will we be able to rectify a mistake? Whether we will be able to answer to the question, what next?

Copyright © 2007 - Basiński Hubert, Bem Tina, Kaczmarek Agnieszka, Konieczny Rafał, Koralewska Weronika, Mendelewski Mateusz.